English Български

Търсене в сайта:
За Борино
Селищна система
Места за настаняване
Туристически ИнфоЦентър
  - СНЦ "Био-Б-Еко"
Продуктов каталог
Полезна информация
Проект Trees-Against-Ppoverty
Пеперудения свят на Кастракли
DMS Виденица
Профил на купувача
За нас
Туристически маршрут Мост Кемера
Късноантична крайпътна станция от V век -край с.Борино
Документи Био-Б-Еко
Проект "Граждански диалог"
Моята история
2020/004 EUR GIVE-HOPE
Гражданско участие в процесите за модернизация на правораздаването
Проект BGCULTURE-2.001-0093
Проект Био-Б-Еко мярка 7.1
2022/009 EUR GIVE-HOPE
Project 2024/001 Training harvesting and processing and sale of herbs and mushrooms
Новини Галерия Карта Контакти
InfoCenter - Borino

In InfoCenter-Borino you will receive useful information about tourism in the Rhodopes and in particular the region of Borino Municipality.

Here you will find:

  • Maps of the region
  • Postcards
  • Brochures
  • Guide-books
  • Information on accommodations
  • And a friendly staff ready with advice and information

We will provide you with information about interesting attractions in the region and we can by your request organize:

  • an outing (walking or with transportation) to local natural attractions of your choice
  • an outing with picnic (walking or with transportation) in the scenic nature of the area
  • an evening with a folklore concert by a local folklore group – The Ensemble for Authentic Folklore or Children’s Folklore and Dance Ensemble “Borinche
  • observation and participation in everyday village life in Borino – milking a cow, chopping wood, cut haying by hand, etc.


In order for visitors to have the opportunity to see and touch the skill of local craftsmen, InfoCenter-Borino includes a collection – the only one in the region - of local weaving, wood-carving and items from the traditional way of life in Borino. We offer you the opportunity to purchase the exhibited crafts or make special orders directly to local craftsmen.

InfoCenter-Borino is located on the left side of the main road (if you are traveling/looking in the direction of Dospat), in the center of the village, in the Culture House (Chitalishte) on the first floor (ground floor). Buses stop at the bus stop next to Hotel Havana. From the bus stop you can reach the InfoCenter by walking along the main road for 250m. As the road bends to the left you will see the Culture House on your left.

For additional information and individual requests:

InfoCenter-Borino++359 3042 2787

email: bio_b_eko@abv.bg

InfoCenter - Gallery

2005 СНЦ "Био-Б-Еко", Web design Balkan Sys